You are building a dating service web site. Part of the form to submit a client’s profile is a groupIIof radio buttons for the person’s hobbies: 20.Hiking
22.SCUBA Diving 23. After the user submits this form, a confirmation screen is displayed with these hobbies listed. Assume thatan application-scoped variable, hobbies, holds a map between the Hobby enumerated type and the displayname. Which EL code snippet will display Nth element of the user’s selected hobbies?()
- A、${hobbies[hobbyEnum[N]}
- B、${hobbies[paramValues.hobbyEnum[N]]}
- C、${hobbies[paramValues@’hobbyEnum’@N]}
- D、${hobbies.get(paramValues.hobbyEnum[N])}
- E、${hobbies[paramValues.hobbyEnum.get(N)]}
