This item contains several questions that you must answer. You can view these questions byclicking on the Questions button to the left. Changing questions can be accomplished by clickingthe numbers to the left of each question. In order to complete the questions, you will need to referto the SDM and the topology, neither of which is currently visible. To gain access to either thetopology or the SDM, click on the button to left side of the screen that corresponds to the sectionyou wish to access. When you have finished viewing the topology the SDM, you can return to yourquestions by clicking on the Questions button to the left. Off Shore Industries is a large worldwide sailing charter. The company has recently upgraded itsInternet connectivity. As a recent addition to the network engineering team, you have been taskedwith documenting the active Firewall configurations on the Annapolis router using the Cisco Routerand Security Device Manager (SDM) utility. Using the SDM output from Firewall and ACL Tasksunder the Configure tab, answer the following questions: Which two options would be correct for a permissible incoming TCP packet on an untrustedinterface in this configuration?()
- A、The packet has a source address of
- B、The packet has a source address of
- C、The session originated from a trusted interface
- D、The application is not specified within the inspection rule SDM_LOW
- E、The packet has a source address of
