Companycom has a 16 way 1.65 GHz p5 590 and wants to install a i5/OS partition on their server. The customer wants to keep installation costs to a minimum by sharing devices between all LPARs. Before the operating system can be installed in this partition, the customer was told that there are certain limitations that must be observed. What are these limitations?()
- A、When the i5/OS partition is housed in the p5 590, the HMC allows seamless installation in a partition as long as the minimum one processor, 256 MB of memory, one Ethernet and one boot adapter/disk is available from internal hardware.
- B、V5R3 and later releases of i5/OS can be installed on a POWER5 server partition. Only one processor can be assigned to the i5/OS. A special expansion tower must be ordered. This expansion tower and its devices can be shared with other OS partitions.
- C、When the i5/OS partition is housed in the p5 590, the 5250 Twinaxial console must be used to set up the partition. Only one processor can be assigned to the i5/OS partition. A special expansion tower must be ordered to house the IOPs. Devices in the special expansion tower can be shared with other Linux partitions.
- D、V5R3 and later releases of i5/OS can be installed on IBM eServer p5 servers. i5/OS can run on two processors in the p5 590. A special expansion tower must be ordered. This expansion tower and its devices cannot be shared with other OS partitions. The iSeries expansion towers are seen by the IBM eServer p5 server as an I/O subsystem.
