A node in a three-node cluster was started, ad it acquired the following three cascading resourcegroups: ’rg1’, ’rg12’, and ’rg3’. The cluster design is to have ’rg1’ normally Node ’A’, ’rg2’ normally on Node ’B’, and rg3’ normally on Node ’C’. How can the administrator reposition the resource groups and correct the problem?()
- A、 Change the cluster resource group definitions from cascading to rotating,synchronize the cluster,and restart HACMP
- B、 Edit the /urs/es/sbin/utilities/clhosts file to reflect he desired node-to-resource group relationships and restart HACMP
- C、 Use the clRGMove utility move rg2 o Node ’B’ and rg3 to Node ’C’,then start the cluster manager on Nodes ’B’ and ’C’ with the clstart utility
- D、 Disable Inactive Node Takeover,check the node priority list in the resource groups definitions,synchronize the cluster,and start HACMP on Nodes ’B’ and ’C’
